As soon as Mamita got home, everything seems less dark and sad around me. On the very first night 3 separate friends reached out and invited me to spend time with them. Mami knows my heart and what I need.
It’s like she was saying, “Enough with the moping. Get out there!”
Then this morning someone who owed me money Zelle’s me 😭 I didn’t think I’d get it back this month, but I really needed this money.
So I used my coupon that I got the other day and finally went on my PFG shopping spree 🥹
I bought:
2 sets of spell poppers: one for love and another for protection
Stonewall Skull
Self love & Healing figures
Bloom pops
I can’t wait to try all of these out! I haven’t tried any of them before. I’m so excited 😆
I’m so happy things are working out for you babe you deserved that coupon and I’m glad it helped you place your order with Prettyflamegame I love you ❤️ your support means everything